Trading Account enable our clients to trade in securities listed on the Bursa Malaysia Securities Bhd (BMSB).
For trading account, there is no specific requirement for clients to pledge their collateral. Credit limit for clients will be based on their credit worthiness as well as the track record/financial strength of dealer/remisier.
Settlement of trades must be in accordance with the BMSB's Fixed Delivery and Settlement system (FDSS), which mean trading clients must settle his/her/their purchase contracts latest by 12.30pm T+2 days, failing which CCM Department will proceed to sell down their outstanding purchase contracts on T+3 days (afternoon session).
Securities settlement is to be effected through book entry via the Central Depository System (CDS). Therefore, all our trading clients must open a CDS account under their own name through SJ Securities for securities settlement purpose.
Trading clients may enjoy brokerage as low as 0.15% for their intra-day trades, irrespective of contract value, subject to minimum brokerage as per BMSB's rules, recommendation from their dealer/remisier and approval by the Management.
Nevertheless, our trading clients are encouraged to collateralize their trading exposure via pledging of collateral.